With the Brockman family we are reaching as far back as the 14th century. William Everett Brockman has written A Genealogical chart of the Brockmans. The story needs confirmation. An English book Kent Parish Records, Newington Marriages lists at least four Brockmans from a period of 1566 to 1623. They are in the place and at the time William E. Brockman asserts. One of the four matches the genealogical data exactly. The other four are not connected to our line
Henry Brockman was born about 1560 in Kent England, possibly at Newington. His parent's were William Brockman and Margaret Clark. This family had a number of properties in Kent. Henry's grandfather Henry Brockman bought Newington Manor, Cheriton Manor and Beachborough
Henry married Helen Sawking by 1595.
The only son known to this given to this couple was William Brockman who became the first knighted Brockman. He was born in 1595.
The names William and Henry were in constant use in this family.
Henry died on March 27, 1630. There is a tablet at Newington Church. His wife died in 1642.
There are a lot of contradictions in the material written about the family. One pertinent to this piece is Helen Sawking was called "The first wife" of Henry. She outlived him and no other wife is listed.
If you know the answer please CONTACT US
1. When and where was this Henry born?
2. Did Henry and Helen have other children?
3. Was there another wife?
Maier_Associates: © Copyright 2001
Doc; gbbro05.html
Date Last Edited: 2/2/2001