624 Moores Lane, New Castle, DE Phone: (302)  328-6836

Match Registration Request Form
Regional Match
NJ Pistol
Wash. DC Bullseye
February Indoor 2700 (Results Posted) Feb 21 & 22*
Camp Perry Outdoor Warm Up (w/ Practice EIC & Dist Rev) Results Posted June 27 & 28
Match results for Delaware State Outdoor Championship Match Results

Match results for EIC & Dist. Rev Match Results
Aug 22 & 23
Delaware State Indoor Championship (Results Posted)
Dec 5 & 6*

* A Friday night relay may be added if required
Results will be posted when finalized. Click on the match title for the respective match results. For PDFs use your back button to return.

NRA Competition Division
Civilian Marksmanship Program
National Rifle &
Pistol Champ.
Camp Perry, Ohio
Delaware - back for Gold after 29 years
Sanctioned by:
The National Rifle Association
The Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association
   New Match Shooter Program
New / Unclassified shooters $5.00/Gun
  • Outdoor DSPC Outdoor Match Range located at the Delaware Army National Guard Maintenance Base, Route 9 (River Road), New Castle, DE Map to Outdoor Range.   The range is located on the east (right) side of of River Road. You can see the DANG roads in the aerial view.  The south gate is used for range entrance.
  • Indoor      DSPC Indoor Match Range, 624 Moores Lane, New Castle, DE Phone: (302)  328-6836 Map to Indoor Range
Conditions / Eligibility:
  • Open to all shooters. NRA membership is encouraged but not required for match participation. NRA Conventional Pistol Rules will govern. NRA Conventional Pistol classifications will be used. Unclassified competitors will shoot in the Master Class (rule 19.7).
Relay Starting Times:
  • Outdoors: Sat/Sun One Relay 9:00 AM
  • Indoors: Sat/Sun Relay 1, 8 A.M. & Relay 2, 1 P.M. Friday Relay will start at 7 p.m.
Course of Fire:
  • Outdoor: All slow fire at 50 yds.  All timed and rapid fire at 25 yds. (B-8)
  • Indoor: All slow, timed and rapid fire at 25 yds
Entry Fees:

One gun (900)


Two guns (1800)


Three guns (2700)


State Championships


Challenge fee

$ 1.00 (rule 16)

EIC (Leg) Match

$ 10.00

Distinguished Revolver

$ 5.00

(Personal checks, cash & Current NRA Award Points accepted)
Awards will be given to the open winners in each of the 16 matches. A first place award will be given provided there are four (4) or more competitors in a class. A second place award will be given provided there are 9 competitors in a class.
Entries/ Squadding:

Outdoor: 20 competitors/relay Indoor: 10 competitors/relay All competitors will be squadded for the match and NRA membership and current classification is required.

Match Schedule:

Match 1 Slow Fire .22 2 strings 10 shots / 10 min
Match 2 National Match Course. .22 1 string 10 shots / 10 min
.22 2 strings 5 shots / 20 sec
.22 2 strings 5 shots / 10 sec

Match 3 Timed Fire

.22 4 strings 5 shots / 20 sec.

Match 4 Rapid Fire

.22 4 strings of 5 shots / 10 sec.

Match 5  Aggregate

Total of Matches 1 thru 4

Center Fire Match 6 thru 10

Matches same as 1 thru-5

45 APC Match 11-15

Matches same as 1 thru 5

Grand Aggregate Match 16

Total of Matches  5,10,15


Email:   MatchDirector@MaierAssociates.com
Call      Hank Maier (302) 239-6552.  If we do not answer, please leave a message stating your name, phone number, email, and relay preference/date.

Web Site
For the latest information see  www.DelawareStatePistolClub.org
  • ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES are strictly prohibited!
  • SMOKING is not permitted indoors and on any firing line
  • Empty Chamber Indicator (ECI) required. Will be provided if requested.
  • Repairing Targets: Staple guns will be required as competitors will repair their own targets.
  • Accommodations: Parking, Water, and Rest Room facilities are available on the range grounds (indoor/outdoor).
  • Food: Will be provided for outdoor matches for a free will donation to our youth program. A number of fast-food restaurants, diners, and convenience food stores are located 10 minutes from both ranges on Route 13 (DuPont Highway).
New Match Shooter Program:
There is no substitute for match shooting to improve your bullseye pistol skills. We want new/unclassified shooters to shoot in matches. Shoot any or all guns (22, CF, 45) for just $5/gun! Your score will not be posted and you can choose to have your scores sent to the NRA to establish your classification. This is an inexpensive way to gain match experience and NRA classification. (Subject to match space availability.)
Delaware Memorial Bridge (DMB) & PA & MD & VA   For maps see above links
Outdoor Range:
From the South take 95 North, from the North Take 95 South to Exit 4A, Route 1 South. Take I South to EXIT 156B, this is a left lane exit, Rt. 13 North. First traffic light turn Right between WAWA and Amoco, dead ends at Route 9. Make a Left turn (Route 9 North) and continue 1.4 miles until to the Army National Guard Base. The DSPC gate is the First gate 200 ft north east of the Eugenia Meadows Rd and River Rd intersection; make right turn and follow it back to the Match Range.

From NJ take the DMB to Route 13 (DuPont Hgwy.) South. At first red light (7-11 on right corner and Denny’s on left comer) and make a left, go to dead-end and make right on to Moore's Lane. Club/Range gate 200 yards up on the right. From PA take 95 South, or from the South take 95 North to Exit 5A 141 south to exit IA, 13 North, go to the 4th red light, and turn right onto Boulton Blvd (between Denny’s & Wachovia Bank) Go to dead end and turn right on to Moores Lane, 200 yds on right club entrance.

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