Delaware State Pistol Club
Match Registration Request

  1. Please complete all required fields (*).
  2. For multiple registration requests please submit one form per shooter.
  3. If you wish to shoot as part of a group, please use the comments box to list the Group Leader's Name, Phone and Email address.
  4. If you can't make the match please let us know.
  5. If you would like to know more  Click here for DSPC Bullseye Pistol Match Information

Please select the MATCH you wish to attend:*
Requested squading*

1st Choice*

2nd Choice*
Indoor Outdoor    
Indoor Outdoor
Sat AM
Sat PM
Sun AM
Sun PM
Sat 9AM
Sun 9AM

Sat AM
Sat PM
Sun AM
Sun PM
Sat 9AM
Sun 9AM

First Name* Last Name*
City State Zip

Enter Email Address*
  For confirmation please re-enter your Email Address*

Phone Number*:

  NRA Member Number*
or any other information you feel we need to meet your needs.
Please check the above information to ensure it is correct.
After you click submit, you will see a screen thanking you for your request and confirming that the email has been sent ot the match director. Use your BACK button to return to this screen. The Match Director will send you a confirmation Email of the information you submitted and confirming your Squad request.


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Last Modified:   Tuesday, 17-Nov-2009 11:49:51 EST